Page values for "Orientation"

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"website" values

coordhead350.000 86.144 0.000
coordimg10 0 0
  • How to arrange content on a website in a meaningful way.
  • Every website should be based on a clear structure that is understandable in terms of its content.
  • How content is arranged affects how well it can be found and its context understood.
coordsimplo0 0 0
testimonialKati has limited motor skills and problems with the stability of her internet connection at home. For example, her connection regularly crashes when she wants to call up certain pages for her work. It is particularly difficult to get good research results when the websites she wants to use are not clearly structured. In this case, she may have already been searching for information for a long time. If the Internet crashes, she has to start all over again. Then it takes a long time for her to find what she is looking for. This makes her feel frustrated and angry and keeps her from doing her work. Websites work well for Kati when they are clear, easy to use and you can quickly find what you are looking for. Then it doesn't matter so much if the internet crashes. Besides structure, she benefits from large font size, clear color contrasts and realistic imagery, rather than abstract visuals.
coordtesti0 0 0
containsOrientation References